Delta Luxury - Quiet (is) Luxury

Nowadays, your brain is working non-stop. It processes as much information in one day as it did in one year for your ancestors 250 years ago.

Photo credit: Mikael Blomkvist on Pexels

From the moment we get out of bed in the morning, we are bombarded with impressions and stimuli. Constantly, without a break. Often without us realizing.

Everyone and everything demands our attention. The whole world fights for YOUR attention. Who wins? Always one object, one person, always just for a brief moment. The next stimulus is already waiting just around the corner. And your attention keeps wandering...and wandering...and wandering...never finding rest.

Do you remember your last experience of pure silence? Unfortunately, we've become conditioned to struggle with silence. As soon as it gets quiet around us, we turn on music or the TV. We are constantly seeking distraction.

Photo credit: Dương Nhân on Pexels

But silence is beneficial. It soothes us, our brains, our minds, and our souls. Finally, peace! No one wants anything from you. You can truly be yourself. You can connect with your inner self. Feel emotions. Reflect.

To enjoy luxury, you don't need an audience. Just time and silence. Silence is luxury. Silence is quality of life. Silence is hard to achieve, especially in urban or bustling environments.

Photo credit: Yanalya on Freepik

THE tool to finding silence is meditation. Without a phone, without an app. Location-independent. Timeindependent. Just you and your meditation technique. You dive into the ocean of silence. The deeper you dive, the quieter it gets. Until there is nothing left but pure silence – sheer luxury.

Silence asks no questions. But often, it provides answers. Try it, you will experience what it means.

Mirco Schanz is a certified Vedic meditation teacher. Mirco is teaching the art of silence in Munich, all around Europe, and online.
